Still in the stone chamber A snail curved his lips. There was no swift sensation of weightlessness, no sudden rush of that heady freedom and invincibility he always felt when traversing dimensions. He didn't care who the queen was currently entertaining in her Royal Bower she would undo this now. He closed his eyes and delved into his mind to sift time/place and return to the Fae Isle of Morar. But if cursed with it permanently? If unable to escape it? That thought was too abhorrent to entertain.

The féth fiadawas a useful tool if one wished to meddle unobserved. But it could also render its subject impossible for humans to hear and feel as well. A Tuatha Dé customarily invoked but one facet of the potent, triumvirate spell- invisibility. The féth fiada was the enchantment his race used when they wanted to walk among humans undetected. Christ, shehad! The bitch! Not only had the queen made him human, she had cursed him with the threefold power ofthe féth fiada! Adam shook his head disbelievingly. And again his hand slipped through Chloe Zanders's body. By Danu, Aoibheal wouldn't.His dark eyes narrowed to slits. He went still again, wings of unease unfurling in the pit of his all-too-human stomach. His hand slid neatly through her heart and out her left shoulder blade. Adam stood motionless for a moment, then tried again, reaching for one of her breasts. His hand slid right through the back of her skull and came out her nose. He grabbed the nape of her neck to force her gaze to his. Furious, he skirted the nibble littering the chamber- debris from the battle that had taken place there a quarter hour past between Dageus MacKeltar and the Druid sect of the Draghar, the battle he should never have intervened in- and stalked to her side. She didn't so much as glance in his direction, as if he'd not spoken at all. ''Woman, cease!" he roared, clamping his hands to his ears. On the contrary, just when he was certain she couldn't possibly get any louder- and how such a small creature managed to make such a huge noise was beyond him- his newly acquired eardrums were treated to a wail that escalated exponentially. His command did not have the intended effect. Aoibheal had forced him to give of his own immortal life-essence to save the Highlander's life. Cease your weeping, woman," he ordered imperiously. He had to find a way out of this intolerable situation, and fast. Perhaps if he informed her that Dageus wasn't really dead she would shut up. Cursing savagely, he eyed the sobbing woman. So what if he looked like his usual self? He was human, for Christ's sake! Flesh and blood. On occasion she'd tinned him into things that didn't suffer the light of day well. He spared a quick glance down at himself and was relieved to find that, at least, she'd left him in his favored glamour: that of the dark-haired, muscular, irresistibly sexy blacksmith, a millennia-spanning blend of Continental Celt andHighlandwarrior, clad in tartan, armbands, and torque. She'd stripped him of his immortality and made him human. And she'd chosen the cruelest punishment of all. Aoibheal, queen of the Anatolia Dé Danaan, had finally made good on her long-running threats to punish him for his continued interference in the world of mortals. He was getting bloody tired of her constant wailing. Or a human's, for that matter,he thoughtdarkly. Incessant and piercing, it was enough to split a Tuatha Dé's head. She was weeping as if her very soul were being ripped apart. AVOID CONTACT AT ALL COST.Īdam Black stood in the central chamber of the stone catacombs beneath The Belthew Building and watched as Chloe Zanders stumbled about, searching for her Highland lover, Dageus MacKeltar. WARNING: EXERCISE EXTREME CAUTION IFSIGHTED.

the most dangerous and unpredictable of his race. Alleged to have nearly broken The Compact on not one. a rogue even among his own kind His favored glamour is that of an intensely sexual Highland blacksmith with a powerful rippling body, golden skin, long black hair, and dark, mesmerizing eyes Highly intelligent, lethally seductive. Although frequently portrayed as shimmering, dainty creatures of diminutive size that flit about exuding effervescent good humor and a penchant for mild mischief the true Tuatha Dé are neither so delicate nor so benevolent. Called by many names: Children of the Goddess Danu the True Race the Gentry the Daoine Sidhe they are most commonly referred to as the Fae or Fairy. A highly advanced race of immortal beings that settled in Ireland thousands of wars before the birth of Christ.