Sciral consistency
Sciral consistency

  • SQL*All v.2.0.02 A power SQL Query Tool for and DBMS, supporing Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, Access, Foxpro, Excel, DSN and so on.
  • Church Secretary Pro Edition v.2.0 A new version is being considered to improve some of the reports, and possible changes to Import procedures.
  • Sciral Consistency v.1.1.2 Sciral Consistency 1.1.2 is an exciting new program which fills an important niche between the calendar and the to-do list, enabling users to track and receive feedback on day-to-day tasks that are repeating yet flexible.
  • MyLanViewer network scanner displays your network computers in an easy to read, buddy- list.
  • MyLanViewer network scanner v.4.6.0 MyLanViewer network scanner is a powerful IP, NetBIOS and network scanner, whois and trace route tool, Wake-On-Lan manager, LAN messenger and network monitor.
  • Telist v.5.1 Telist is a contact and information manager program where you can save the fields (telephone, fax and cellphone numbers, e-mail, website, address, observations, anniversary and photo).
  • Stylist Style Cloner v.1.3.10 Stylist Style Cloner lets you clone styles in any Word document by copying existing styles and giving them new names.
  • So far, it supports syntactically and functionally equivalent emote code, says, tells, command emotes, emote commands, directional looking, emote-like ldesc changes, equipment list style, et cetera.
  • TinaMUD v.1.0 A partially-completed ArmageddonMUD clone.
  • It displays your network computers in an easy to read, buddy- list style window that provides the machine names, IP addresses, MAC.


    Portable MyLanViewer v.4.5.5 MyLanViewer is a powerful network scanner, Wake-On-Lan manager, LAN messenger and IP monitor for your home network.

    sciral consistency

  • PrpT Control v.1.02 Property- list style custom control component.
  • It displays your network computers in an easy to read, buddy- list style window that provides the machine names, shared resources and other technical details for each computer.

    sciral consistency sciral consistency

    MyLanViewer v.3.3.1 MyLanViewer is a powerful network scanner and IP monitor.

    Sciral consistency