SQL*All v.2.0.02 A power SQL Query Tool for and DBMS, supporing Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, Access, Foxpro, Excel, DSN and so on. Church Secretary Pro Edition v.2.0 A new version is being considered to improve some of the reports, and possible changes to Import procedures. Sciral Consistency v.1.1.2 Sciral Consistency 1.1.2 is an exciting new program which fills an important niche between the calendar and the to-do list, enabling users to track and receive feedback on day-to-day tasks that are repeating yet flexible. MyLanViewer network scanner displays your network computers in an easy to read, buddy- list. MyLanViewer network scanner v.4.6.0 MyLanViewer network scanner is a powerful IP, NetBIOS and network scanner, whois and trace route tool, Wake-On-Lan manager, LAN messenger and network monitor. Telist v.5.1 Telist is a contact and information manager program where you can save the fields (telephone, fax and cellphone numbers, e-mail, website, address, observations, anniversary and photo). Stylist Style Cloner v.1.3.10 Stylist Style Cloner lets you clone styles in any Word document by copying existing styles and giving them new names. So far, it supports syntactically and functionally equivalent emote code, says, tells, command emotes, emote commands, directional looking, emote-like ldesc changes, equipment list style, et cetera. TinaMUD v.1.0 A partially-completed ArmageddonMUD clone. It displays your network computers in an easy to read, buddy- list style window that provides the machine names, IP addresses, MAC. #SCIRAL CONSISTENCY PORTABLE#
Portable MyLanViewer v.4.5.5 MyLanViewer is a powerful network scanner, Wake-On-Lan manager, LAN messenger and IP monitor for your home network.
PrpT Control v.1.02 Property- list style custom control component. It displays your network computers in an easy to read, buddy- list style window that provides the machine names, shared resources and other technical details for each computer.
MyLanViewer v.3.3.1 MyLanViewer is a powerful network scanner and IP monitor.